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A gorgeous pair of heels can make a woman’s heart flutter with much excitement, especially when paired with the perfect dress. The confidence-boosting mechanism is remarkable. But enough with all the rainbows and positivity…what about all those times you were in so much pain from your shoes that all you wanted to do was chuck your heels across the street and crawl home?

Here I list FIVE SITUATIONS where heels can fail you miserably…


I wouldn’t classify myself as the fittest person out there but in saying that, I am highly capable of running from zone A to zone B in order to make my bus. Oh did I forget to mention that the prerequisite is that I need to be wearing flats or sneakers? Several times I tried to running after a bus in heels and the whole process was not only painful but also humiliating. I could feel all the eyes cast over to “that silly girl who’s running for the bus in heels”. Don’t be that person and don’t do that to your poor feet. You’re pretty much inviting a sprain or a fail – which has happened to me before too.


Ladies, if you are shopping in heels…*picture me shaking my head*. ROOKIE ERROR. If you’ve planned for a big shopping day (which I hope you have, because who doesn’t love a shopping spree?), your feet are your best weapon towards shopping success. Happy comfortable feet = soaring energy and much fun! Tired, sore and painful feet will do nothing to elevate your mood. In fact it will just make you super grumpy thanks to all that discomfort and who knows what kind of shopping choices you’ll make in that head space…


If you know that you’ll be attending an event – be it for work or social – and that there will be a lot of standing, don’t test your feet’s limits by wearing high stilettos or pumps. Also avoid wearing heels you’ve just bought – hello blisters? If the occasion requires some sort of a heel for formality reasons, at least go for a reduced heel height and make sure you bring flats in your bag.


Let’s face it – most of the time internships or work experience jobs can be hard work. It may sound like a cliche but chances are you WILL be doing those coffee runs and errand jobs. I get that heels can make you feel a bit more glam and confident but think about the long-term consequences. Are you really going to be efficient in those heels? Switch to sensible shoes instead and be that star intern that’s not suffering from non-paid work AND foot pain.


Wearing heels to uni is a big no-n0, especially if you are lucky enough to attend the University of New South Wales. Speaking from personal experience, let me just reinforce…heels and the UNSW stairs do not marry well together. Even without the stairs, getting around a university campus in heels is no easy feat. Uni is supposed to be a casual and relaxed environment – not a place to torture your feet unnecessarily!

Does any of the above situations sound familiar to you? Feel free to comment below and let me know your HIGH HEEL FAILS.

Otherwise join me in switching the heel to save our soles!



  1. Shopping and uni are the main areas where my feet receives the most pain. I’m always buying or putting on bandaids for blistered ankles and toes!!!


    1. Thanks for commenting! Yes – bandaids are a must-have staple for heel wearers! Try switching to flats or at least bring some in your bag if you must wear heels – your feet will thank you for that! 🙂


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